Στοιχειώδης Βιβλιογραφία για τη Θεά
Campbell Joseph. Oriental Mythology. 1973 London
Driver Godfrey. Canaanite Myths and Legends. 1956-71; T&T Clark Edinburgh
Graves, Robert. The White Goddess. 1961. Faber & Faber London
Monaghan Patricia. Women in Myth and Legend. 1981 Junction Books London
New Larousse Encyclopaedia of Mythology. 1973. Book Club Associates, London
Walker Barbara .The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. 1981.
Harper & Row. San Francisco
© Asphodel P. Long (unpublished, 1999)
Ορφικοί Ύμνοι
1. M.J.Vermaseren. Cybele and Attis. The Myth and the Cult. Thames & Hudson, London 1977 p.186.
2. See W.K.C.Guthrie. Orpheus and the Greek Religion. Methuen, London, 1935/52. p. 257ff.
3. The Hymns of Orpheus. Μετάφραση by Thomas Taylor and collected in "Thomas Taylor the Platonist", επιμέλεια Kathleen Raine και G.M. Harper, RKP, London, 1969 (Taylor lived 1758-1835)
4. Vermaseren όπως παραπάνω, σελ. 10
5. ,, ,, p. 11 quoting Callimachus Hymn to Demeter, επιμέλεια E. Cohen.
6. ,, ,, P. 10
}7. Apostolos N. Athanassakis. The Homeric Hymns, John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore & London. 1976.
© Asphodel P. Long (Arachne 9, 1989)
Η Λευκή Θεά Πρόκληση ή Έμπνευση; Η Λευκή Θεά στον σύγχρονο φεμινισμό και τις γυναικείες σπουδές
Επιλεγμένη Βιβλιογραφία
Billington, Sandra & Green, Miranda The Concept of the Goddess Routledge 1996
Christ, Carol P. The Rebirth of the Goddess Harper Collins San Francisco 1997
Conkey, Margaret & Tringham, Ruth Archaeology & the Goddess : in Feminisms in the Academy. Stanton D.C. & Stewart A.J. (επιμέλ.) Univ of Michigan 1995:199-247
Davidson, Hilda E. The Role of the Northern Goddess. Routledge 1998
Davis, Elizabeth G. The First Sex. Penguin . London 1975
Eller, Cynthia Living in the Lap of the Goddess. Beacon Press, Boston, 1993/1995
Firla, Ian Foreword to White Goddess Conference Programme, Sept. 1998.
Frymer-Kensky, Tikva In the Wake of the Goddesses. Free Press NY 1992
Gimbutas, Marija The Language of the Goddess Harper & Row San Francisco ,1989
____ The Civilisation of the Goddess Harper & Row SF 1991 Goldenburg, Naomi Changing of the Gods. Beacon Press Boston. 1979
Graves, Robert & Patai, Raphael Hebrew Myths: the Book of Genesis. Doubleday NY 1963
Hurtado, Larry (ed) Goddesses in Religions and Modern Debate. Scholars Press Atlanta 1990
Hutton, Ronald The Neolithic great goddess: a study in modern tradition. in Antiquity 1997 :91-99
LaMonte, Willow (ed) Goddessing Regenerated, Malta. Spring 1998 Long, Asphodel P. In a Chariot Drawn by Lions:the search for the female in deity The Womens Press 1992
Long, Asphodel P. The One and The Many: the Great Goddess Revisited:Feminist Theology :May 1997:13-29
____ The Goddess Movement in Britain Today Feminist Theology .Jan 1994:11-39
_____ Asherah, The Tree of Life and the Menorah BISFT Sophia Paper no. 1 Neath 1998
Matthews, Caitlin Sophia Goddess of Wisdom: the divine feminine from black goddess to world soul. Mandala London 1991
McCance, Dawne Understandings of "The Goddess" in contemporary feminist scholarship . in: Hurtado , L. (ed) 1990
McCrickard, Janet Eclipse of the Sun: an investigation into sun and moon myths. Gothic Image Publications. Glastonbury 1990
Monaghan ,Patricia O Mother Sun! a new view of the Feminine. Crossing Press Freedom CA 1994
Matriarchy Study Group Goddess Shrew. London 1977 ---- The Politics of Matriarchy London 1978
Olson, Carl The Book of the Goddess Past and Present Crossroad NY 1995
Pearson, J., Roberts, R. & Samuels, G.(επιμέλ.) Nature Religion Today Edinburgh Univ. Press 1998
Raphael, Melissa Thealogy & Embodiment Sheffield Academic Press 1997
Ruether, Rosemary R. Sexism and God Talk SCM Press 1983
Schussler Fiorenza, E. In Memory of Her Crossroad NY 1983
---- But She Said Beacon Boston 1992
Arthur, Rose H. The Wisdom Goddess: feminine motifs in eight Nag Hammadi Documents. University Press of America. 1984.
Ashe, Geoffrey. The Virgin. 1976
Bernal, Martin. Black Athena: The Afro-Asiatic Roots of classical civilisation. τόμοι 1 & 2. 1987/1991
Durdin-Robertson, Lawrence. The Goddesses of Chaldea, Syria and Egypt. Cesara Publications Eire. 1975
Engelsman, Joan C. (γιά τη μετάφραση του Ύμνου της Ίσιδος σχετικά με την αυτοεκτίμηση) The Feminine Dimension of the Divine. 1979
Fox, Matthew. Original Blessing: a primer in Creation Spirituality. 1987
Gadon, Elinor. The Once and Future Goddess. 1989
Gage, Matilda J. Woman, Church and State. Persephone Press ανατύπωση . 1980
Gimbutas, Marija. Goddess and Gods of Old Europe. 1982 (και άλλα της ίδιας συγγραφέως)
Gleason, Judith. Oya: In Praise of an African Goddess. 1987
Graves, Robert. The White Goddess. Faber. 1948.
Graves, Robert. (μετάφρ.) The Golden Ass. (Lucius Apuleius) Penguin.
Grey, Mary. The Wisdom of Fools? Seeking Redemption for Today. 1989
Griffin, Susan. Woman and Nature. 1978
Idowu, E.B. African Traditional Religion. SCM. 1973
King, Ursula. Women and Spirituality. 1989,1993
Long, A.P. In a Chariot Drawn by Lions. The Womens Press.1992
Matthews, Caitlin. Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom: the divine feminine from black goddess to world soul. Mandala. 1991
Meyerowitz Eva. Akan Traditions of Origin. 1952
Meyerowitz Eva. And yet Women Once Ruled Supreme. Pamphlet Press. 1986
Meyerowitz Eva. The Akan of Ghana, Their Ancient Beliefs. 1958
Meyerowitz Eva. The Divine Kingship in Ghana and Ancient Egypt. Faber. 1960
Meyerowitz Eva. The Sacred State of the Akan. Faber. 1951
Pagels Elaine. Adam, Eve and the Serpent .1988
Pagels Elaine. The Gnostic Gospels. 1979
Parrinder, E.G. West African Religions. 1949/61
Patai Raphael. The Hebrew Goddess. 1967, 1978, 199O
Pirani A. The Absent Mother: Restoring the Goddess to Judaism and
Christianity. Mandala. 1991
Plant, Judith (επιμέλεια). Healing the Wounds: the promise of Eco- feminism. 1989
Pritchard, J. B. The Ancient Near East. Τόμοι 1 & 2. 1958
Rattray R.S. Religion and Art in Ashanti. OUP. 1927/59.
Robinson James (επιμέλεια). The Nag Hammadi Library in English. 1977, 1988.
Robinson, James. The Future of our Religious Past. SCM. 1964
Sandars, Nancy (μετάφραση). Poems of Heaven and Hell from Ancient
Mesopotamia. Penguin. 1971.
Sandars, Nancy (μετάφραση). The Epic of Gilgamesh. London. 1960.
Scholem Gershom. Kabbalah. 1974
Schussler Fiorenza Elisabeth. Bread Not Stone: the challenge of feminist biblical interpretation. 1984
Schussler Fiorenza Elisabeth. Searching the Scriptures, τόμοι1 & 2. 1993 & 1995.
Shiva, Vandana. Staying Alive: women, ecology and development. 1988
Teish, Luisah. Jambalaya. 1987
Trible, Phyllis God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality. PA. 1978
von Kellenbach, Katharina. Anti-Judaism in Feminist Religious Writings. Scholars Press. 1994.
West. Martin L. The Orphic Hymns. Clarendon. 1984
Wilken, Robert (επιμέλεια). Aspects of Wisdom in Judaism and Early Christianity. 1975
Winton Thomas D. Documents from Old Testament Times. 1961
Witt Reginald. Isis in the Graeco-Roman World. Thames & Hudson London. 1971
Wolkstein Diane & Kramer S.N. Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth. 1983
Course Outline © Asphodel P. Long 1995
Ασερά, το Δέντρο της Ζωής και η Μενορά: Συνέχεια μιάς Θεάς; Ιουδαϊκό Σύμβολο;
Επιλεγμένη Βιβλιογραφία
Ackroyd, Peter. 'Goddesses,Women and Jezebel' in A. Cameron & A. Kuhrt (eds) Images of Women in Antiquity. Croom Helm, London, 1983
Albright, W. F. Goddess of Life and Wisdom. Hebraica 36, 1920 pp 258-394.
Beck. P. The Drawings from Horvat Teiman (Kuntillet Ajrud) . Tel Aviv 9. (1982:3-86)
Binger, Tilde Asherah: the Goddess in the Texts from Ugarit, Israel and the Old Testament. 1997. Sheffield Academic Press. Sheffield.
Cook Roger The Tree of Life. 1974 Thames and Hudson, London
Cross F,M. Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic 1973 Harvard Univ. Press. Harvard.
Dahoo, D. M. Ancient Semitic Deities in Syria and Palestine. in Moscati, S. (ed) Le Anticho Divinita semitiche 1958:65-94
Danby, H. The Mishnah. Oxford Univ. Press 1933
Day, John. Asherah in the Hebrew Bible & North Semitic Literature. Journal of Biblical Studies, (JBL) vol. 5, no. 3 pp 395-408
Delcor, M. Religion d'Israel et Proche Orient Ancien. Brill, Leiden. 1976
Dever, William Asherah, Consort of Jahweh? New Evidence from Kuntillet Ajrud. Bull. of American Schools of Oriental Research. no 255.1984:21-37 Women’s Popular Religion, suppressed in the bible, now revealed by archaeology. Biblical Archaeological Review (BAR) Mar/April 1991
Driver, G. R. Canaanite Myths and Legends. 1956 T&T Clark, Edinburgh
Edwards, I.E.S. A Relief of Qudshu Astarte. in Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 1955. Vol 14: 49-51
Emerton, J.A. New Light on Israelite Religion: the implications of the inscription from Kuntillet Ajrud.in : Zeitschrift fur alt-testamentliche Wissenschaften, 94. (1982) :2-20
Encyclopaedia Judaica ; The Jewish Encyclopaedia ;
The Bible, Revised Standard Version
Fiorenza, E.Schussler Bread Not Stone 1984 Beacon Press Boston
Goodenough, E.R. Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period 1965 Bollingen Series XXXVII, Pantheon Toronto.
Gray, John Ugarit. in Winton Thomas, D. (ed) 1967 Archaeology and Old Testament Study. Clarendon Press. Oxford
Freedman D. N. Bib. Arch. Review. 1987 Dec. :241-249
Gray, John The Canaanites. Thames & Hudson London 1964
Hadley, J. M. Evidence for a Hebrew Goddess: the cult of Asherah in ancient Israel and Judah. Cambridge Univ. Press 1997
Hadley, Judith The Khirbet El Qom Inscription. Vetus Testamentum, Vol.XXXV11 No. 1 1987 pp 50-62
Halevi Ze'ev B.S. The Tree of Life Gateway Books, Bath 1991
Hestrin, Ruth The Lachish Ewer and the Asherah. Israel Exploration Journal 37 (1987) :212-23
Hestrin, Ruth Understanding Asherah: exploring Semitic Iconography. BAR Vol XVII no. 5 1991: 50-59
Hestrin, Ruth The Cult Stand from Taanach and its Religious Background. in 1987 Studia Phoenicia V. U.Peeters. Leuven.
Korsak, M.P. At the Start : the Story of Genesis. Sheffield Academic Press 1994
Long, A. P. The One or the Many: the Great Goddess Revisited. Feminist Theology, no. 15, May 1997: 13-29 Sheffield Academic Press Sheffield
In a Chariot Drawn by Lions. The Womens Press, London 1992.
The Goddess in Judaism, a historical perspective. in: Pirani, A. (ed) 1991
Margalit, Baruch The Meaning and Significance of Asherah Vetus Testamentum 40(1990):264-97.
Meshel, Ze'ev.Did Jahweh have a Consort? Biblical Archaeology Review vol 5/2 1979 :24-36 Kuntillet Ajrud:and Israelite religious centre from the time of the Judean Monarchy. 1978 Museum Catalogue 175, Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Meyers, Carol,L. The Tabernacle Menorah. Scholars Press Missoula, 1976
Oden, Robert. A.The Persistence of the Canaanite Religion. Bib. Archaeology. Vol 39 1976 :31-36
Olyan, S.M. Asherah and the Cult of Yahweh in Israel. 1988 Scholars Press Atlanta.
Patai, Raphael The Hebrew Goddess. Wayne Univ. Press Detroit 1990
Perlman, A. Asherah and Astarte in the Old Testament. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. of California. (available through University Microfilms,Ann Arbor)
Pettey, R. Asherah, Goddess of Israel. Peter Lang. NY 1990
Pirani, Alix. The Absent Mother. Restoring the Goddess to Judaism and Christianity. 1991. Mandala London
Primavesi Anne From Apocalypse to Genesis: ecology , feminism and Christianity. 1991. Burns and Oates, Tunbridge Wells.
Ruether , Rosemary R. Sexism and God Talk.1983. SCM Press London
Scholem Gershon The Kabbalah and its Symbolism. 1969. Schocken. NY
Scholem, Gershon Merkabah Mysticism and Talmudic Tradition.1960.The Jewish Theological Seminary of America. New York
Smith, Mark S.The Early History of God : Jahweh and the other deities in Ancient Israel. Harper & Row San Francisco 1990
Smith,, Morton. Palestine Parties and Politics that shaped the Old Testament. Columbia Univ. Press. NY & London 1971
Taylor, Joan E. The Asherah, the Menorah and the Sacred Tree. in Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. 66 (1995) 29-54
Trible, Phyllis God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality. 1978 Fortress Press, PA.
Wallace, H.N. The Eden Narrative. Scholars Press Atlanta 1985
Wiggins, S. A Re-assessment of Asherah. Verlag Butzen & Bercker 1993 .
Yarden,L. The Tree of Light: a Study of the Menorah. Cornell Univ. Press. Ithaca. 1971
Campbell Joseph. Oriental Mythology. 1973 London
Driver Godfrey. Canaanite Myths and Legends. 1956-71; T&T Clark Edinburgh
Graves, Robert. The White Goddess. 1961. Faber & Faber London
Monaghan Patricia. Women in Myth and Legend. 1981 Junction Books London
New Larousse Encyclopaedia of Mythology. 1973. Book Club Associates, London
Walker Barbara .The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. 1981.
Harper & Row. San Francisco
© Asphodel P. Long (unpublished, 1999)
Ορφικοί Ύμνοι
1. M.J.Vermaseren. Cybele and Attis. The Myth and the Cult. Thames & Hudson, London 1977 p.186.
2. See W.K.C.Guthrie. Orpheus and the Greek Religion. Methuen, London, 1935/52. p. 257ff.
3. The Hymns of Orpheus. Μετάφραση by Thomas Taylor and collected in "Thomas Taylor the Platonist", επιμέλεια Kathleen Raine και G.M. Harper, RKP, London, 1969 (Taylor lived 1758-1835)
4. Vermaseren όπως παραπάνω, σελ. 10
5. ,, ,, p. 11 quoting Callimachus Hymn to Demeter, επιμέλεια E. Cohen.
6. ,, ,, P. 10
}7. Apostolos N. Athanassakis. The Homeric Hymns, John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore & London. 1976.
© Asphodel P. Long (Arachne 9, 1989)
Η Λευκή Θεά Πρόκληση ή Έμπνευση; Η Λευκή Θεά στον σύγχρονο φεμινισμό και τις γυναικείες σπουδές
Επιλεγμένη Βιβλιογραφία
Billington, Sandra & Green, Miranda The Concept of the Goddess Routledge 1996
Christ, Carol P. The Rebirth of the Goddess Harper Collins San Francisco 1997
Conkey, Margaret & Tringham, Ruth Archaeology & the Goddess : in Feminisms in the Academy. Stanton D.C. & Stewart A.J. (επιμέλ.) Univ of Michigan 1995:199-247
Davidson, Hilda E. The Role of the Northern Goddess. Routledge 1998
Davis, Elizabeth G. The First Sex. Penguin . London 1975
Eller, Cynthia Living in the Lap of the Goddess. Beacon Press, Boston, 1993/1995
Firla, Ian Foreword to White Goddess Conference Programme, Sept. 1998.
Frymer-Kensky, Tikva In the Wake of the Goddesses. Free Press NY 1992
Gimbutas, Marija The Language of the Goddess Harper & Row San Francisco ,1989
____ The Civilisation of the Goddess Harper & Row SF 1991 Goldenburg, Naomi Changing of the Gods. Beacon Press Boston. 1979
Graves, Robert & Patai, Raphael Hebrew Myths: the Book of Genesis. Doubleday NY 1963
Hurtado, Larry (ed) Goddesses in Religions and Modern Debate. Scholars Press Atlanta 1990
Hutton, Ronald The Neolithic great goddess: a study in modern tradition. in Antiquity 1997 :91-99
LaMonte, Willow (ed) Goddessing Regenerated, Malta. Spring 1998 Long, Asphodel P. In a Chariot Drawn by Lions:the search for the female in deity The Womens Press 1992
Long, Asphodel P. The One and The Many: the Great Goddess Revisited:Feminist Theology :May 1997:13-29
____ The Goddess Movement in Britain Today Feminist Theology .Jan 1994:11-39
_____ Asherah, The Tree of Life and the Menorah BISFT Sophia Paper no. 1 Neath 1998
Matthews, Caitlin Sophia Goddess of Wisdom: the divine feminine from black goddess to world soul. Mandala London 1991
McCance, Dawne Understandings of "The Goddess" in contemporary feminist scholarship . in: Hurtado , L. (ed) 1990
McCrickard, Janet Eclipse of the Sun: an investigation into sun and moon myths. Gothic Image Publications. Glastonbury 1990
Monaghan ,Patricia O Mother Sun! a new view of the Feminine. Crossing Press Freedom CA 1994
Matriarchy Study Group Goddess Shrew. London 1977 ---- The Politics of Matriarchy London 1978
Olson, Carl The Book of the Goddess Past and Present Crossroad NY 1995
Pearson, J., Roberts, R. & Samuels, G.(επιμέλ.) Nature Religion Today Edinburgh Univ. Press 1998
Raphael, Melissa Thealogy & Embodiment Sheffield Academic Press 1997
Ruether, Rosemary R. Sexism and God Talk SCM Press 1983
Schussler Fiorenza, E. In Memory of Her Crossroad NY 1983
---- But She Said Beacon Boston 1992
Arthur, Rose H. The Wisdom Goddess: feminine motifs in eight Nag Hammadi Documents. University Press of America. 1984.
Ashe, Geoffrey. The Virgin. 1976
Bernal, Martin. Black Athena: The Afro-Asiatic Roots of classical civilisation. τόμοι 1 & 2. 1987/1991
Durdin-Robertson, Lawrence. The Goddesses of Chaldea, Syria and Egypt. Cesara Publications Eire. 1975
Engelsman, Joan C. (γιά τη μετάφραση του Ύμνου της Ίσιδος σχετικά με την αυτοεκτίμηση) The Feminine Dimension of the Divine. 1979
Fox, Matthew. Original Blessing: a primer in Creation Spirituality. 1987
Gadon, Elinor. The Once and Future Goddess. 1989
Gage, Matilda J. Woman, Church and State. Persephone Press ανατύπωση . 1980
Gimbutas, Marija. Goddess and Gods of Old Europe. 1982 (και άλλα της ίδιας συγγραφέως)
Gleason, Judith. Oya: In Praise of an African Goddess. 1987
Graves, Robert. The White Goddess. Faber. 1948.
Graves, Robert. (μετάφρ.) The Golden Ass. (Lucius Apuleius) Penguin.
Grey, Mary. The Wisdom of Fools? Seeking Redemption for Today. 1989
Griffin, Susan. Woman and Nature. 1978
Idowu, E.B. African Traditional Religion. SCM. 1973
King, Ursula. Women and Spirituality. 1989,1993
Long, A.P. In a Chariot Drawn by Lions. The Womens Press.1992
Matthews, Caitlin. Sophia, Goddess of Wisdom: the divine feminine from black goddess to world soul. Mandala. 1991
Meyerowitz Eva. Akan Traditions of Origin. 1952
Meyerowitz Eva. And yet Women Once Ruled Supreme. Pamphlet Press. 1986
Meyerowitz Eva. The Akan of Ghana, Their Ancient Beliefs. 1958
Meyerowitz Eva. The Divine Kingship in Ghana and Ancient Egypt. Faber. 1960
Meyerowitz Eva. The Sacred State of the Akan. Faber. 1951
Pagels Elaine. Adam, Eve and the Serpent .1988
Pagels Elaine. The Gnostic Gospels. 1979
Parrinder, E.G. West African Religions. 1949/61
Patai Raphael. The Hebrew Goddess. 1967, 1978, 199O
Pirani A. The Absent Mother: Restoring the Goddess to Judaism and
Christianity. Mandala. 1991
Plant, Judith (επιμέλεια). Healing the Wounds: the promise of Eco- feminism. 1989
Pritchard, J. B. The Ancient Near East. Τόμοι 1 & 2. 1958
Rattray R.S. Religion and Art in Ashanti. OUP. 1927/59.
Robinson James (επιμέλεια). The Nag Hammadi Library in English. 1977, 1988.
Robinson, James. The Future of our Religious Past. SCM. 1964
Sandars, Nancy (μετάφραση). Poems of Heaven and Hell from Ancient
Mesopotamia. Penguin. 1971.
Sandars, Nancy (μετάφραση). The Epic of Gilgamesh. London. 1960.
Scholem Gershom. Kabbalah. 1974
Schussler Fiorenza Elisabeth. Bread Not Stone: the challenge of feminist biblical interpretation. 1984
Schussler Fiorenza Elisabeth. Searching the Scriptures, τόμοι1 & 2. 1993 & 1995.
Shiva, Vandana. Staying Alive: women, ecology and development. 1988
Teish, Luisah. Jambalaya. 1987
Trible, Phyllis God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality. PA. 1978
von Kellenbach, Katharina. Anti-Judaism in Feminist Religious Writings. Scholars Press. 1994.
West. Martin L. The Orphic Hymns. Clarendon. 1984
Wilken, Robert (επιμέλεια). Aspects of Wisdom in Judaism and Early Christianity. 1975
Winton Thomas D. Documents from Old Testament Times. 1961
Witt Reginald. Isis in the Graeco-Roman World. Thames & Hudson London. 1971
Wolkstein Diane & Kramer S.N. Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth. 1983
Course Outline © Asphodel P. Long 1995
Ασερά, το Δέντρο της Ζωής και η Μενορά: Συνέχεια μιάς Θεάς; Ιουδαϊκό Σύμβολο;
Επιλεγμένη Βιβλιογραφία
Ackroyd, Peter. 'Goddesses,Women and Jezebel' in A. Cameron & A. Kuhrt (eds) Images of Women in Antiquity. Croom Helm, London, 1983
Albright, W. F. Goddess of Life and Wisdom. Hebraica 36, 1920 pp 258-394.
Beck. P. The Drawings from Horvat Teiman (Kuntillet Ajrud) . Tel Aviv 9. (1982:3-86)
Binger, Tilde Asherah: the Goddess in the Texts from Ugarit, Israel and the Old Testament. 1997. Sheffield Academic Press. Sheffield.
Cook Roger The Tree of Life. 1974 Thames and Hudson, London
Cross F,M. Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic 1973 Harvard Univ. Press. Harvard.
Dahoo, D. M. Ancient Semitic Deities in Syria and Palestine. in Moscati, S. (ed) Le Anticho Divinita semitiche 1958:65-94
Danby, H. The Mishnah. Oxford Univ. Press 1933
Day, John. Asherah in the Hebrew Bible & North Semitic Literature. Journal of Biblical Studies, (JBL) vol. 5, no. 3 pp 395-408
Delcor, M. Religion d'Israel et Proche Orient Ancien. Brill, Leiden. 1976
Dever, William Asherah, Consort of Jahweh? New Evidence from Kuntillet Ajrud. Bull. of American Schools of Oriental Research. no 255.1984:21-37 Women’s Popular Religion, suppressed in the bible, now revealed by archaeology. Biblical Archaeological Review (BAR) Mar/April 1991
Driver, G. R. Canaanite Myths and Legends. 1956 T&T Clark, Edinburgh
Edwards, I.E.S. A Relief of Qudshu Astarte. in Journal of Near Eastern Studies. 1955. Vol 14: 49-51
Emerton, J.A. New Light on Israelite Religion: the implications of the inscription from Kuntillet Ajrud.in : Zeitschrift fur alt-testamentliche Wissenschaften, 94. (1982) :2-20
Encyclopaedia Judaica ; The Jewish Encyclopaedia ;
The Bible, Revised Standard Version
Fiorenza, E.Schussler Bread Not Stone 1984 Beacon Press Boston
Goodenough, E.R. Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period 1965 Bollingen Series XXXVII, Pantheon Toronto.
Gray, John Ugarit. in Winton Thomas, D. (ed) 1967 Archaeology and Old Testament Study. Clarendon Press. Oxford
Freedman D. N. Bib. Arch. Review. 1987 Dec. :241-249
Gray, John The Canaanites. Thames & Hudson London 1964
Hadley, J. M. Evidence for a Hebrew Goddess: the cult of Asherah in ancient Israel and Judah. Cambridge Univ. Press 1997
Hadley, Judith The Khirbet El Qom Inscription. Vetus Testamentum, Vol.XXXV11 No. 1 1987 pp 50-62
Halevi Ze'ev B.S. The Tree of Life Gateway Books, Bath 1991
Hestrin, Ruth The Lachish Ewer and the Asherah. Israel Exploration Journal 37 (1987) :212-23
Hestrin, Ruth Understanding Asherah: exploring Semitic Iconography. BAR Vol XVII no. 5 1991: 50-59
Hestrin, Ruth The Cult Stand from Taanach and its Religious Background. in 1987 Studia Phoenicia V. U.Peeters. Leuven.
Korsak, M.P. At the Start : the Story of Genesis. Sheffield Academic Press 1994
Long, A. P. The One or the Many: the Great Goddess Revisited. Feminist Theology, no. 15, May 1997: 13-29 Sheffield Academic Press Sheffield
In a Chariot Drawn by Lions. The Womens Press, London 1992.
The Goddess in Judaism, a historical perspective. in: Pirani, A. (ed) 1991
Margalit, Baruch The Meaning and Significance of Asherah Vetus Testamentum 40(1990):264-97.
Meshel, Ze'ev.Did Jahweh have a Consort? Biblical Archaeology Review vol 5/2 1979 :24-36 Kuntillet Ajrud:and Israelite religious centre from the time of the Judean Monarchy. 1978 Museum Catalogue 175, Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Meyers, Carol,L. The Tabernacle Menorah. Scholars Press Missoula, 1976
Oden, Robert. A.The Persistence of the Canaanite Religion. Bib. Archaeology. Vol 39 1976 :31-36
Olyan, S.M. Asherah and the Cult of Yahweh in Israel. 1988 Scholars Press Atlanta.
Patai, Raphael The Hebrew Goddess. Wayne Univ. Press Detroit 1990
Perlman, A. Asherah and Astarte in the Old Testament. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. of California. (available through University Microfilms,Ann Arbor)
Pettey, R. Asherah, Goddess of Israel. Peter Lang. NY 1990
Pirani, Alix. The Absent Mother. Restoring the Goddess to Judaism and Christianity. 1991. Mandala London
Primavesi Anne From Apocalypse to Genesis: ecology , feminism and Christianity. 1991. Burns and Oates, Tunbridge Wells.
Ruether , Rosemary R. Sexism and God Talk.1983. SCM Press London
Scholem Gershon The Kabbalah and its Symbolism. 1969. Schocken. NY
Scholem, Gershon Merkabah Mysticism and Talmudic Tradition.1960.The Jewish Theological Seminary of America. New York
Smith, Mark S.The Early History of God : Jahweh and the other deities in Ancient Israel. Harper & Row San Francisco 1990
Smith,, Morton. Palestine Parties and Politics that shaped the Old Testament. Columbia Univ. Press. NY & London 1971
Taylor, Joan E. The Asherah, the Menorah and the Sacred Tree. in Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. 66 (1995) 29-54
Trible, Phyllis God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality. 1978 Fortress Press, PA.
Wallace, H.N. The Eden Narrative. Scholars Press Atlanta 1985
Wiggins, S. A Re-assessment of Asherah. Verlag Butzen & Bercker 1993 .
Yarden,L. The Tree of Light: a Study of the Menorah. Cornell Univ. Press. Ithaca. 1971